Re: [MF-TC] Setup

Dear Conrad, Silvia,

> Is there any particular reason for not allowing this "legacy deep linking"?

We can already!
Again, t= with no value means that the implicit begin (resp. end) time 
is the beginning (resp. ending) time of the resource.

> I'd suggest there is a use-case for this, where someone wants to point
> to the start of an interesting scene, or a link that skips the
> trailers.

I agree!

> It actually takes quite a bit more manual work to decide on
> an end point, and I think it would be fair to imply an end-point of
> "the end of the resource" if none is explicitly given.

You don't need to find the end point, just write a comma is enough!

> In any case,
> "the end of the resource" is something already known by the server, so
> it's a bit redundant (even inaccurate) to force a document author to
> find it out and encode it in the URL.
> To clarify, if the resource on the server is 20s in duration, then I
> think the offsets t=10 and t=10,20 should produce the same result.

To further clarify:
  - "t=10" is _not_ a valid media fragment URI per our current syntax;
  - "t=10," does what you want
Do you have any concern with that?

> Just today I found this interesting offset:
> and, really, the movie just gets better and better from that point
> onwards. Do I really need to define an end point? I wish it would
> never end! but alas, as with all stories involving mutant fungus, it
> does.

Nice one :-)


Raphaël Troncy
CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Received on Wednesday, 29 April 2009 15:07:29 UTC