Re: minutes of 2008-10-08 telecon

On Wed, 8 Oct 2008, Raphaël Troncy wrote:

>   Yves will take care of the Wiki issue right after call
Done (I think I mentionned it already, but it's always better to double 

>   <scribe> ACTION: Yves to check the status of ';' in a URI [recorded
>   in [17]]

From RFC3986:

    Aside from dot-segments in hierarchical paths, a path segment is
    considered opaque by the generic syntax.  URI producing applications
    often use the reserved characters allowed in a segment to delimit
    scheme-specific or dereference-handler-specific subcomponents.  For
    example, the semicolon (";") and equals ("=") reserved characters are
    often used to delimit parameters and parameter values applicable to
    that segment.  The comma (",") reserved character is often used for
    similar purposes.  For example, one URI producer might use a segment
    such as "name;v=1.1" to indicate a reference to version 1.1 of
    "name", whereas another might use a segment such as "name,1.1" to
    indicate the same.  Parameter types may be defined by scheme-specific
    semantics, but in most cases the syntax of a parameter is specific to
    the implementation of the URI's dereferencing algorithm.

So it means that;date=1234/test is different from;date=5678/test , pretty much like when using '?' 
as opposed to '#'.

Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras.


Received on Tuesday, 14 October 2008 14:50:18 UTC