Re: statistics on bandwidth use of protocols

At 11:24  +1100 14/11/08, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
>What I am more concerned about is really where rtsp stands. I have no
>feeling for how common it still is today.

Remember that old Mark Twain line?  Someone once remarked (you can 
tell it was before the days of esteemed colleagues of both genders) 
'Oh, where would men be without women!'.  And his reply:
'Scarce.  Mighty scarce.'

I fear the same is true of RTSP/RTP.  It doesn't seem to get huge 
amounts of attention, except maybe in the 3G community and space.
David Singer
Multimedia Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Friday, 14 November 2008 00:55:56 UTC