Re: statistics on bandwidth use of protocols

At 15:33  +1100 13/11/08, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
>Hi all,
>I came across the report by Sandvine this week:
> .
>It details upstream and downstream bandwidth use and essentially says
>that upstream, p2p has a 61% share (there's no web media downstream),
>while downstream Web Media has a 15.7% share and p2p a 22.31% share.
>This gives us a nice background on the relvance of protocols, e.g.
>VoIP only has 5.38% share in upstream and is gathered among others in
>There is a problem with the report though. It shows how much bandwidth
>is used by the protocols. But it doesn't show how many users use these
>protocols. Since p2p is most often used for large files, I am assuming
>that the number of users of p2p is massively smaller than the number
>of users of Web media. And streaming seems to not make much impact at
>Anyway - I thought it's a good statistic to share.

I think part of the problem is that the structure of firewalls, NAT 
gateways, and so on, encourages many uses to 'hide' inside HTTP.  For 
example, all of the trailers on the Apple trailers site are HTTP 
loaded.  Do they count as general web or multimedia?  Or is all that 
bundled into web media?

David Singer
Multimedia Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Thursday, 13 November 2008 17:44:27 UTC