Short summary of MediaCapture sessions at TPAC


this is what we think are the main discussion items and decisions made 
during the Media Capture sessions at TPAC (and this also gives an 
opportunity for you who were unable to attend to object):

Media Capture and Streams doc:
- Regarding describing how extensions are made, the proposal from Dan 
(documented in [1]) was liked, and we will build on that model.

- The use of a registry for constraints was discussed. It is clear after 
the vote that the gUM document will not reference a registry, but some 
want a registry anyway. The reasons vary, but include avoidance of name 
conflicts. Dan and Cullen are looking more into this.

- We agreed that it must be documented how iFrames and getUserMedia 
works, the spec is currently silent here. [2] and [3] have been opened 
to track.

Capture from element doc:
- Is pretty stable, waiting for a second implementation

Screen share doc:
- It is difficult to handle sharing of specific items, unclear what 
controls the Javascript API can expose on what the picker presents. 
Martin’s proposal is to remove all constraints here - all alternatives 
will always be presented.

There was also a presentation (and a nice demo!) of the 
mediacapture-worker document, which is advocated for adoption by the 
people working on the depth channel extension spec.

For more details we refer to the minutes [4], as well as to mail and 
github discussions. Looking at the agenda and presentations (linked from 
the agenda [3]) may also be of interest.

Stefan for the chairs
PS We will follow up with proposed plan for moving Media Capture and 
Streams to CR

[4] Minutes:
[5] Agenda:

Received on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 08:52:26 UTC