Re: Extending github notifications to mediacapture list

> On 17 Dec 2015, at 12:01, Stefan Håkansson LK <> wrote:
> On 17/12/15 09:59, Kostiainen, Anssi wrote:
>>> On 14 Dec 2015, at 14:00, Stefan Håkansson LK <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> in order to allow people to get a better feeling of how it would work
>>> with notifying via this mail list the opening and closing of github
>>> Issues and Pull Requests, we extend the trial [1] to the media capture
>>> documents. As (we think) most people are subscribing to both lists, this
>>> will give a more accurate picture of how many more emails you will get.
>>> As stated in [1] we plan to let this run for 30 days before concluding,
>>> all feedback is appreciated (but it might be wise to hold off comments a
>>> while to gain some experience). Refer to [1] for more detail and background.
>>> The media capture documents tracked are:
>>> mediacapture-main
>>> mediacapture-depth
>>> mediacapture-fromelement
>>> mediacapture-output
>>> mediacapdture-record
>>> mediacapture-image
>>> mediacapture-screen-share
>> You missed mediacapture-worker.
>> Was it intentional since it is not yet a FPWD?
> It was intentional. If my memory serves we decided that 
> mediacapture-worker would be developed under the Media Capture TF 
> umbrella, but do most work on github with little discussion on the mail 
> list since people felt that the TF had more than enough on its plate 
> already. As a consequence we figured the notification for -worker should 
> not go to the list.

I just revisited past discussions and can confirm you are correct.

People interested in the mediacapture-worker spec should watch to get notifications.



>>> [1]

Received on Thursday, 17 December 2015 10:45:00 UTC