Re: [Bug 26526] Fix aspect ratio constraint

On 9/11/14 3:23 PM, cowwoc wrote:
> On 11/09/2014 3:21 PM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote:
>> Use { aspectRatio: { min: 16/9 - business_epsilon/2, max: 16/9 + 
>> business_epsilon/2 } }
> Agreed, but then why have a built-in epsilon on top of the business 
> epsilon?

I think we need some epsilon higher than [1] to ensure 16/9 equals 
1920/1080 etc. on all platforms.

> This makes it hard for people to gauge what actual values they'll get. 
> When I ask for a specific value, or a specific min/max I expect 
> *exactly* those values (or a huge epsilon so I can't tell the 
> difference).

With Cullen's approach precision seems ample, so I'm not sure there's a 
problem here.

.: Jan-Ivar :.


Received on Thursday, 11 September 2014 19:35:28 UTC