Re: Capabilities vs SupportedConstraints

Thanks for focusing down after my rambling rant!

On 11/04/2014 03:40 PM, Rob Manson wrote:
> I think there's 2 questions here.
> 1. Should the language be made more explicit
> My vote here is +1

Mine too. No matter what the spec says, it needs to say it clearly.

> 2. Should we change the structure as part of this tidy up
> I'm all for this change (and think the discussion above has raised
> some key points worth considering), but my primary goal is making sure
> that the language of the API and the spec is more understandable in
> this area.

I still don't agree with Jan-Ivar about merging the two concepts
"supported by UA" and "supported by device" - I'd be much happier with
using different words for them, if that makes it clearer.

With "supported by UA", I mean "UA will recognize the dictionary key".

With "supported by device", I mean "device will be affected by changes
to this property".

Those may be better words.

Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2014 22:07:03 UTC