New Editor's Draft of MediaStream Image Capture

Hi All,

Have uploaded a new version to Github (, and am enclosing a PDF version in this email for archival purposes.  Please note the following changes:

a) 'zoom' setting and 'autofocus' setting added to PhotoOptions - see  Note that other native focus modes are not currently considered in the specification, but I am open to suggestions.
b) Error in example corrected as per guidance in

c) Provided an option for promise-based implementation of API - see  Note that the method for changing camera settings is not a promise, as it is assumed that settings may change at any time (e.g. end user manually changing settings on the physical capture device) .  I am open to suggestions, however.

Comments/questions/corrections are all welcome.

-Giri Mandyam, Qualcomm Innovation Center

Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2014 01:52:49 UTC