Re: [Bug 22214] How long do permissions persist?

I'll flip this on its head: why do you want to deny permissions when the 
page is reloaded? What are you protecting the user from? :)


On 02/06/2014 5:27 PM, Martin Thomson wrote:
> On 2 June 2014 14:14, Jim Barnett <> wrote:
>> All I'm asking for is a form of permissions that survive a page reload, but
>> don't last forever.
> Yeah, so I'm saying that would be unacceptable.
>> If permanent permissions are possible (and presumably
>> don't involve massively disruptive architectural changes), why aren't less
>> permanent ones also possible?  Just a bit of book-keeping in the UA, I
>> would think.
> That's not the concern.  We can implement just about any sort of
> well-defined persistence you can dream up.  That's never been the
> concern.
> Maybe you can more clearly articulate what you want, and why.

Received on Monday, 2 June 2014 22:20:26 UTC