Re: Moving on with noaccess/peerIdentity


I think this is a big improvement.

But peerIdentity is not really a constraint, is it? To me it is an
optional parameter you can add when using getUserMedia.

The pull request describes the relation between identity protected
tracks and PeerConnection; but perhaps all of that should be in the
WebRTC doc? Otherwise we set a precedence here and would have to
describe what happens for all uses of MediaStreams and 'Tracks
(Recorder, ImageCapture, what else comes down the road).

Nit: in the pull request it is not mentioned what happens if a
MediaStreamTrack with peerIdentity is cloned. That must be described.


On 2014-02-06 01:51, Martin Thomson wrote:
> We've had a lot of confusion about the role of noaccess and
> peerIdentity in WebRTC over the time that they have been proposed,
> discussed, etc...  I want to concentrate on finalizing what is in gUM
> first, because while there are still some small issues to resolve on
> the WebRTC side, gUM is straightfoward.
> I want to propose the following set of changes.
> 1. remove noaccess (that's been discussed for a while now, and the time is ripe)
> 2. move the location of the peerIdentity constraint.  As a
> fully-fledged constraint, it turns out that it is difficult to
> properly vet input for a mixed audio+video stream:
>   var constraints = {};
> = { peerIdentity: 'x@nfcform.domain' };
> = { peerIdentity: 'x@nonnfcform.but.equivalent.domain' };
>   navigator.getUserMedia(constraints, ...);
> This is important, since it makes no sense to have different
> constraints on different tracks in the same stream.  Mixing isolation
> restrictions causes great headaches already to the point where Firefox
> at least just marks mixed content (!) as fully isolated.  So I
> propose:
>   navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: true, peerIdentity:
> '' }, ...);
> Now, since I've implemented these, I can be pretty confident that
> these are sound, so I made a pull request on the spec that does this.
> This includes a refined text regarding mixed isolation levels for
> streams that contain peerIdentity and non-peerIdentity tracks.

Received on Thursday, 6 February 2014 09:02:15 UTC