Re: WebIDL-compatible syntax compromise

Nice work.  I hope that the date has no bearing on this.

On 1 April 2014 18:17, Dan Burnett <> wrote:
> typedef (long or ConstrainLongRange) ConstrainLong;
> typedef (double or ConstrainDoubleRange) ConstrainDouble;
> typedef (VideoFacingModeEnum or sequence<VideoFacingModeEnum>)
> ConstrainVideoFacingMode;
> typedef (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) ConstrainDOMString;

Every time I see this I think: damn, WebIDL needs proper generics, not
the half-baked one that it has (where sequence and Promise are the
only things that can be blessed with generic parameters)...

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2014 16:28:58 UTC