Re: questions about direct assignment

On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Jim Barnett <>wrote:

>  So is it the case that:****
> **1.       **By default, the origin of the MediaStream is the origin of
> the page that requested it.****
> **2.       **If the noaccess constraint is set, the origin of the page is
> a nonce URL not shared with any other page.  ****
> **3.       **If the peerIdentity constraint is set, the origin of the
> page is the origin/URL of the specified peer.****
> **4.       **Unlike at least some other constraints, the origin of a
> MediaStream cannot be changed by applying further constraints.

In some cases the state of a MediaStream can change from "access allowed
from origin X" to "no access allowed from any origin". For example if we
have a MediaStream which contains a track from origin A, and then someone
adds a track from origin B.

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Received on Thursday, 30 May 2013 01:50:42 UTC