Re: Updated Media Capture and Streams editor's draft

On 5/7/2013 10:08 AM, Dan Burnett wrote:
> g) Section 4.2.2: We could collapse getVideoTracks() and 
> getAudioTracks() into a single method, e.g. getTracks (optional 
> DOMString type), where type can be "video" or "audio".
>   We have gone back and forth on this one as a group.  Personally I hate having everything separated by media type, but the consensus in the group has largely been in favor of this separation.

I honestly don't see a need for the separation.

> Section 12
> a) I thought "zoom" was considered an acceptable track constraint.  It is important for camera preview streams.  Can it be added back in?  I realize that a preview stream can be "zoomed" using CSS transforms (e.g. scale:  ), but this may not be an accurate imitation of the camera zoom operation.
> We still have not made any decision regarding what actual constraints will be defined in this spec.  As far as general interest goes, there was vastly more interest in aspectRatio than in zoom, but again, that is a different conversation.

Zoom I believe is important, not very much as a creation-time 
constraint, but as a 'settings' constraint - basically I think camera 
(picture) and PTZ-type conference apps will very much want to adjust 
this dynamically.  (Cullen?)

Randell Jesup

Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2013 18:36:36 UTC