RE: Call for agenda topic proposals

  Yes, I would like a little time to discuss Recording at the end. Specifically, if we publish the Image Capture proposal, at the very least we have to republish the Recording API with takePhoto() removed.  If we approve 'change settings' as a partial API that I could inherit, I would like to use that in the Recording API as well.

I think that it is also worthwhile to spend some time trying to standardize error handling.  I would like gUM to have a base error class that both Recording and ImageCapture could extend (e.g., by defining more/new error codes).

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Håkansson LK [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 4:35 AM
Subject: Call for agenda topic proposals

Hi all!

As you all know, we have a teleconf next Monday (5pm CET).

We'd like input on topics we should cover.

 From our side, we have the following hot candidates:

* Incorporation of "change settings" API in the "Media Capture and Streams" document: The editors have promised to have a version, based on the discussion in Boston, out this week, and we'd like the TF's feedback

* Plan and schedule for "Media Capture and Streams"

* Recording API (status, next steps)

* Image capture proposal (status, next steps)

Stefan for the chairs

Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 12:35:09 UTC