Re: Dictionary-shaped Hammers

On 12/12/13 10:57 AM, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey wrote:
>> I'd like to preserve two properties of our current spec:
>>  - That we can get an error on unsupported constraint names
>>  - That we can get automatic conversion from objects specified in 
>> Javascript as { name : value }
>> As long as I get those two properties, I don't care what the name of 
>> the construct is.
> Your construct is object.

While I continue to find our default behavior misguided, I'd be remiss 
not to mention a suggestion I heard that it might be doable to argue for 
a [ThrowOnUnknownKeys] extended attribute for dictionaries. This means 
we'd get an error thrown instead of an error callback in the case of 
unknown keys. Would that be acceptable?

Separately, we could try arguing for a 
[ConvertUnknownEnumerationValuesTo="other"] extended attribute to solve 
webidl enums throwing in optional.

.: Jan-Ivar :.

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2013 17:15:32 UTC