Re: [Bug 19594] remove "BLOB" from url usage for createObjectURL()

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Harald Alvestrand
<> wrote:
> Thanks for the advice!
> Would that be the same as sending a note to the editors asking that the URL
> be kept as a stable reference, because we want to refer to it?
> I'm not sure what a "hook in the File API specification" actually means.

No, the algorithms defined in would have to
be parameterized somehow. So they make sense for Blob, but also for
other objects that are Blob-like. And then I guess in your
specification you would end up with the createObjectURL() overload and
a sentence that says "MediaStream is a Blob-like" and then everything
else would follow from that.


Received on Tuesday, 27 August 2013 11:05:31 UTC