meaning of pausing MediaStream, and when to set media.readystate to HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA

Hi folks,

I have 2 questions regarding MediaStream as media elements (

1. What's the meaning of pausing media stream? This is related to "The
timeline does not increment when the MediaStream is paused" . Does "paused"
means MediaStream not "enabled", or it refers to <video> pause?

This question comes from use case when MediaStream is displayed with
<video>. When the display is resumed from <video> pause, should the
currentTime jump by a large amount (the paused duration), or continue from
where it paused?

2. When to set media.readystate to HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA?
According to the spec, at loading stage, the user agent needs to
immediately set the media.readystate to HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA. This will trigger
loadedmetadata event as well. But at that time, the user agent might not
have received any information about the videoWidth/videoHeight. Would it be
good to change the sentence to "setting the media.readystate to
HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA when appropriate"? This would allow user agent to
set media.readystate to HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA when it receives the first video
frame from media stream.


Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2012 18:09:07 UTC