RE: Changing track sources...

> From: Martin Thomson []
> On 7 December 2012 09:55, Travis Leithead <>
> wrote:
> > In the call, it was mentioned that we have a requirement to be able to
> change the source of a track while preserving the identity of the track
> for the purposes of a PeerConnection and possibly other reasons.
> I think that this is solving the wrong problem.  We already have this
> capability for <video> tags.  Set the .src attribute to point to a new
> URL.
> This is only a problem for RTCPeerConnection because it negotiates
> streams based on MediaStream(Track) identifiers.  That's the real
> problem.
> Here's the solution that I propose:
> partial interface RTCPeerConnection {
>     void addStream(MediaStream newStream, optional MediaStream
> streamToReplace);
> };
> This of course has ramifications for how streams are handled.  It's
> still unclear whether a track identifier can change; and whether new
> streams and tracks are created when a stream is added to
> RTCPeerConnection.  c.f. Adam's proposal on Outgoing/Incoming streams.

If this is the case, then I won't try to support changing a track's source as a functionality of the track or constraints.

Received on Friday, 7 December 2012 18:36:29 UTC