Agenda and details for Thursday telco

Hi all,

further below is an updated agenda proposal. Since very few comments 
were received on the first proposal, this is basically the same with the 
addition of time to allocate per topic. As always we're open for 
comments and suggestions!

Stefan for the chairs

Time: Thursday Aug 23rd, 5pm - 6:30pm CEST
IRC:, #mediacap
Zakim: UW_Web RTC(MediaCap)
Thursday, 23 August 15:00-16:30 UTC (11:00am-12:30pm Boston local)
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 6227 ("MCAP")
20 participants

1. Welcome, scribe 5 min
2. Approve minutes of previous meeting 5 min
3. Milestones, schedule 20 min
    - Quick route to a trimmed down v1, or longer time and more features?
    - What can we trim?
4. Scenarios/requirement document 20 min
   - are requirements precise enough to tell if they are met in the API?
   - will this document be finished on the same milestones as the API?
5. Constraints modification API proposal from Travis - adopt, reject or 
“consider later” 15 min
    - is this OK for a “change resolution” API, or do we need more?
6. Recording API 15 min
   - detailed requirements (are they captured well in scenarios/reqs doc?)
   - whether to include in V1
   - Travis’ proposal:
7. Rich’ proposal for advanced video track control if time allows...
8. Close

Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 13:52:58 UTC