Process for making edits to the getusermedia spec

Hi folks.

It's been about a month since this task force was created. We've had quite a bit of discussion already on the list. I'd like to be able to show visible progress to folks that may not be participating in our task force. 

One of the ways to show progress is to release periodic updates to the specs that this task force is working on. Right now we have two documents: the scenarios for media capture (my document), and the getusermedia draft. The burden for an update to the scenarios document rests on me, and I do plan on making the updates previously requested by Harald and others (in the next week or so). My process for updating the scenarios document is incorporate feedback on the list as it comes in, and to update the draft document as often as time permits (given other priorities this is likely to be about once every few weeks).

I'm a lot less clear on the process for showing progress on the getusermedia editor's draft. I've been in several different working groups, and each group manages spec updates differently (in fact every editor is different).

If there is an update that we'd like to see made in the spec, what should _our_ process be for making this happen?


Received on Thursday, 15 December 2011 18:25:08 UTC