Re: [mediacapture-main] API to expose the angle of view of a camera

@stefhak I think monkey patching the main spec in extension specs 
should not be encouraged since that has known issues. I've been there 
and done that, and agree with [Anne's summary][1]:

>We should avoid monkey patching (hereafter patching). It has at least
 these problems:
* A base specification may not be aware of any patches being applied 
to it and invalidate them.
* Readers of a base specification may not be aware of patches being 
applied and write code around an incorrect model.
* If patches start getting applied from multiple sources the overall 
model quickly becomes too hard to see and mistakes start creeping in 
all over.

GitHub has built-in infrastructure to support working on multiple 
parallel branches and managing issues per release. For example, 
Service Workers spec [branched into v1 and Nightly][2] recently and 
uses [milestones][3] to track v1 and Nightly (aka ED) issues in the 
same repo. The v1 will advance on the Rec Track while the Nightly will
 continue accept new features.

Have you considered branching for mediacapture-main v1 so that the ED 
could again accept new features? You could use GitHub milestones to 
manage issues that go into each release. This way you could keep all 
the development in the mediacapture-main repo.

Ping @dontcallmedom. What would be an appropriate channel to discuss 
this further? The mailing list?

GitHub Notif of comment by anssiko

Received on Monday, 28 September 2015 09:13:49 UTC