Fwd: Public IRC is now available on port 6667

Unless you haven't seen this:

Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From: <chairs@w3.org>
> From: Brett Smith <brett@w3.org>
> Subject: Public IRC is now available on port 6667
> Date: 15 Oct 2012 23:17:05 GMT+02:00
> To: <chairs@w3.org>, <w3c-tools@w3.org>
> Cc: w3t-sys <w3t-sys@w3.org>
> Hello everyone,
> The systeam upgraded the W3C IRC server over the weekend.  The new
> software brings one happy change for all W3C collaborators: the public
> server is now available on port 6667.
> Previously, the public server was only reachable on port 6665.  You can
> still use port 6665 today, but many clients are programmed to assume an
> IRC server is on port 6667 unless otherwise specified.  Anybody who has
> helped a collaborator connect to our IRC server has probably had to deal
> with the hassle of emphasizing that clients must be configured to
> connect to port 6665.
> Those days are over.  Now, it should be possible to tell collaborators
> to point their client to irc.w3.org, and the rest should just work.
> Most clients will require no additional configuration, and you should no
> longer need to emphasize a specific port number for the server.
> The documentation at <http://www.w3.org/Project/IRC/> has been updated
> to reflect this change, along with some other edits that will hopefully
> make the critical information a little easier to find.
> If you have any questions about this change, please ask <sysreq@w3.org>.
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Brett Smith

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2012 08:37:45 UTC