Re: [AGENDA] Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2012-10-02

On 28/09/2012 13:42, Joakim Söderberg wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I propose the following agenda for a teleconf next Tuesday 2012-10-02.
> -------------------------------
> 1. Convene
> Media Annotations WG
> Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 6294 ("MAWG") Alternative dial
> numbers:
> - France (Nice): +
> - UK (Bristol) : +44.117.370.6152
> - IRC channel: #mediaann
> - SIP:
> Tuesday 2012-10-02 11:00-12:00 UTC, (ie, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm 13:00)
> Regrets:
> Chair: Joakim,
> Scribe: volunteer?
> Minutes to appear:
> 1. TPAC 2012 in Lyon,
> 	Shall we meet? Organizers need an answer.

Group meeting setting and organization is now closed since a long time.
But one can register to TPAC, if he wants a attend a meeting

List of WGs meeting at TPAC.

> 2. Transition request of Media Annotations API
> 	Discuss possible solutions
> Please let us know if you can attend, and prepare your opinion on the second item.
> Best regards
> /Joakim

Received on Monday, 1 October 2012 11:19:08 UTC