Question for references av-media-projects

Dear groupmembers,

in the current semester Prof. Dr. Schreyer and i attend a project
seminar about the use of semantic technologies in software for the
management of audiovisual media at the FH Potsdam [2]. The students
look for tools wich use semantic technologies (semantic search,
onologies, RDF, LD, etc.) for management, annotation, retrieval and
publication of AV-media and related metadata. In this context we also
look for projects wich have/are developed/developing tools with the
described functions.

I want to ask you for help. Can you provide references of (especially)
up-to-date-projects and tools. The list of tools [1] from the W3C is

Best regards

Marcel Ruhl


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Marcel Ruhl

Dipl.-Archivar (FH)
Akademischer Mitarbeiter

FH Potsdam
Fachbereich Informationswissenschaften
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 4
14467 Potsdam


Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 10:32:44 UTC