Hi Joakim,
will there be a teleconf today?
Florian Stegmaier, Dipl. Inf.
University of Passau
Chair of Distributed and Multimedia Information Systems
Florian Stegmaier
Innstr. 43, 94032 Passau, Germany (Room 248 ITZ)
stegmaier@dimis.fim.uni-passau.de | Tel.: +49 (0)851 509 3063 | Fax.: +49 (0)851 509 3062
Am 24.08.2012 um 10:59 schrieb Joakim Söderberg <joakim.soderberg@ericsson.com>:
> Hello everyone,
> Summer is coming to an end and most of us are back in office.
> The chairs will prepare a teleconf where we will discuss remaining issues in our charter and how to proceed this fall.
> best regards
> /Joakim