Re: Proposal for mawg mapping extension

Note that the MAWG charter ends 30 June 2012.
Therefore we should publish these new mapping ASAP.


Le 04/04/2012 12:07, Daniel Park a écrit :
> SunOk
> Thanks your comments on the scope of multimedia. Obviously we should work
> on the metadata ontology mapping as wide as possible as to cope with the
> relevant activities.
> We will discuss this topic accordingly.
> Keep in touch and thanks.
> Daniel.
> Soohong Daniel Park from my Galaxy Note
> 2012. 4. 4. 오후 2:43에 "유성옥"<>님이 작성:
>> Hello, all ****
>> This is Sung-Ok You from Infraware. I’ve recently joined the WG.****
>> I’m writing to propose mapping extension for e-book. ****
>> I heard that the group has already discussed it. During the discussion,
>> the browser vendors said that e-books are not multimedia or tied to the web.
>> ****
>> ** **
>> Please examine my opinion regarding this. ****
>> I think e-books can be considered as multimedia.[1] When the WG defined
>> its charter, it defined the scope of multimedia as video, audio, image,
>> text under Video on the Web Activity. However now we can expand the scope
>> of media services based on Web. Lots of e-book are serviced based on Web to
>> download. Also we can expect a commercial service based on browsers if we
>> handle copyright issues regarding DRM. If we organize these information on
>> the web through standardization work, it will help to reduce market
>> fragmentation. It also helps to offer integrated services with e-book. ***
>> *
>> ** **
>> Recently W3C Digital Publication Community Group(
>> was set up. They will
>> start a discussion soon. I think we can look for good approach with them.
>> ****
>> ** **
>> If you have any comments or suggestions about it, please feel free to let
>> me know. ****
>> ** **
>> [1]****
>> Static content (such as a paper book) may be considered multimedia if it
>> contains both pictures and text or may be considered interactive if the ser
>> interacts by turning pages at will. Books may also be considered non-linear
>> if the pages are accessed non-sequentially. ****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> Best Regards, ****
>> SunK-Ok, You****
>> ------------------------------
>> [image: INFRAWARE]<>****
>>    *유성옥     You, Sung ok*****
>>    Platform R&D Team/ Business Div.****
>>    3,4,8F Bando B/D 48-1 Banpo-dong Seocho-gu,Korea****
>>    *T* 82 2 6190 7985   *F* 82 2 535 0478   *M* 82 10 8921 7347   *E*
>><>    *H*
>> ****
>> ** **

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2012 10:13:41 UTC