Re: [Reminder] editors of the Metadata examples to send their files

Say, on that page, there is a excel spreadsheet that contains all the
formats on different tabs. Is it on purpose that neither Ogg nor WebM
are there?

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 11:07 PM, Thierry MICHEL <> wrote:
> Silvia,
> You may want to check the files already provided.
> Thierry.
> Le 04/05/2011 12:09, Silvia Pfeiffer a écrit :
>> Are there example files to do these?
>> Silvia.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 04/05/2011, at 7:05 PM, Thierry MICHEL<>  wrote:
>>> All,
>>> This is a reminder for the editors of the Metadata examples to send their
>>> files (XML and RDF).
>>> We are now close to move the Media Ontology document to Candidate Rec
>>> (CR)
>>> In order to exit CR, we must deliver a set of testcases for each format.
>>> So far we have a fair amount of files.
>>> But we are still missing the following:
>>> QuickTime     Courtney
>>> 3GP             Courtney
>>> MP4             Courtney
>>> XMP             Felix
>>> EBUCore     Jean-Pierre
>>> MediaRDF Vocabulary Tobias
>>> LOM v1484-12-1        Tobias
>>> METS v1.7        Tobias
>>> OGG             Sylvia
>>> WEBM             Silvia
>>> Dublin Core    Thierry
>>> Flash            Thierry
>>> SMPTE RP210-11     Werner
>>> TTML             Werner
>>> Media RSS v1.1.2 Wonsuk
>>> TXFeed v0.9     Wonsuk
>>> Deadline for sending these file was set to end of May 2011.
>>> Per W3C process, all format missing these files will have to be removed
>>> from the Media Ontology specification in order to allow moving forward to
>>> PR.
>>> Therefore please send your files ASAP.
>>> Thierry

Received on Sunday, 8 May 2011 12:49:55 UTC