Re: Sample files of Media RSS and TXFeed

Files now Published.

Le 29/06/2011 00:58, Wonsuk Lee a écrit :
> Hi. Thierry.
> Please find the enclosed files. There are 4 files as below.
> - xml and rdf files for Media RSS
> - xml and rdf files for TXFeed
>   rdf files should be added. and xml files must be replaced with new version.
> best regards,
> Wonsuk.
> 2011/6/28 Wonsuk Lee<>:
>> Hi. Thierry.
>> Please find the enclose files.
>> I fixed some error from example files. So it's well formed doc ;)
>> best regards,
>> Wonsuk.
>> 2011/6/8 Thierry MICHEL<>:
>>> Wonsuk,
>>> Looking at
>>> seems not XML well formed.
>>> Thierry
>>> Le 08/06/2011 09:41, Thierry MICHEL a écrit :
>>>> Wonsuk,
>>>> Thankyou for your input.
>>>> Could you also send the associated RDF files ?
>>>> thierry.
>>>> Le 08/06/2011 01:02, Wonsuk Lee a écrit :
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> These files are examples of Media RSS and TXFeed
>>>>> Please find the enclose files.
>>>>> best regards,
>>>>> wonsuk.

Received on Wednesday, 29 June 2011 08:43:23 UTC