Re: Metadata formats examples must be valid

Dear Courtney and Mari Carmen,

Thank you for your files. They do validate now.
They are now published.

Looking at the MOV mapping table from the Ontology spec

There are following 20 properties mapping to the Quick timeformat

title	exact
contributor	related
creator	related
date	exact
location	related
description	exact
keyword	exact
genre	exact
rating	related
collection	related
copyright	exact
publisher	exact
frameSize	exact
compression	exact
duration	exact
format	exact
samplingRate	exact
frameRate 	more general
averageBitRate	more specific or exact
numTracks	exact

looking at the RDF for Quicktime format,

there are about 9 properties .


The Ontology spec says:
"Each format listed in the testsuite for Ontology for Media Resources 
1.0 has at least one example file covering at least the descriptive 
properties of the core vocabulary of the Media Ontology available for 
each format (some formats may not have a mapping to all the descriptive 
properties core set; for example the "Media RDF" format does not have a 
property mapping to the "identifier" descriptive property of the core 
vocabulary of the Media Ontology)."

Are you sure you are covering all the core vocabulary of the Media 
Ontology available for the Quicktime format ?


Le 20/06/2011 16:55, Mari Carmen Suárez de Figueroa Baonza a écrit :
> Dear Thierry and Courtney,
> attached you can find the RDF and TTL files for 3gp, mp4 and mov
> examples. I have checked them using ""
> and "".
> Please if you find any other error, let me know it.
> Best Regards,
> Mari Carmen.
> El 16/06/2011 11:46, Thierry MICHEL escribió:
>> Courtney,
>> Yes indeed the RDF files for 3gp, mp4 and mov files are not valid.(see
>> screenshot attached)
>> These are the rdf files from Mari Carmen.
>> Best,
>> Thierry
>> Le 16/06/2011 00:31, Courtney Kennedy a écrit :
>>> Hi Thierry,
>>> It looks like the rdf for 3gp, mp4 and mov files are showing errors
>>> on the link below. Did you get the rdf files from Mari Carmen?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Courtney
>>> On Jun 15, 2011, at 9:49 AM, Thierry MICHEL wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Thank you for your imput for the Testsuite for the Ontology for
>>>> Media Resources 1.0
>>>> I have been looking at the metadata formats examples associated with
>>>> the associated RDF/OWL file for correspondence with the core
>>>> properties.
>>>> Here are my remarks:
>>>> 1- For some examples, the XML file does not validate against the XML
>>>> validation (well formed document)[1].
>>>> --> XML documents MUST be well formed.
>>>> 2- Most of the RDF files do not validate against the RDF validator [2]
>>>> --> RDF documents MUST be valid
>>>> 3- For some RDF file the URL of the corresponding example file are
>>>> wrong:
>>>> <rdf:Description rdf:about= ....
>>>> or
>>>> xml:base="...
>>>> etc.
>>>> --> Please make sure the corresponding URL are right.
>>>> Please review your contribution and make sure the 3 above
>>>> requirements are fulfilled.
>>>> We will be looking at these files during the next MAWG F2F in
>>>> ERCIM/Sophia. Therefore please provide valid documents before this
>>>> event 28/29 june.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Thierry.
>>> ______________________________________________
>>> Courtney Kennedy 408.974.3386, mobile: 408.771.8615
>>> Engineering Manager, Media Formats
>>> Apple, Inc.
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Received on Monday, 20 June 2011 15:31:15 UTC