RE : and our Ontology

IPTC is trying to have them align with its rNews too. rNews is a simple ontology for news publication originally deverlopped for RDFa. Of course they are also thinking of developing a microdata alternative now.

In any case, we could do the mapping at the model level between classes and properties. But there is also a RDF representation of and maybe we could also develop a RDF mapping.

Regards, Jean-Pierre

De : [] de la part de Tobias Bürger []
Date d'envoi : mercredi, 8. juin 2011 15:55
À :
Cc :
Objet : Re: and our Ontology

Hi Thierry,

as stated in my reply to the minutes of yesterday's telecon, I would definitely - at least try - option 4.

Best regards,


2011/6/8 Thierry MICHEL <<>>

To follow up on Werner email about Last week  publication of the major search engines Google, Microsoft and Yahoo on the<> [1] web site an initiative for vocabularies that include sets of properties for image, audio and video content.

There may be quite some overlaps in the domains of the media schemas they define there and our Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 [2].

Yesterday during the MAWG telecon we have discuss if we should add a mapping of this media schemas in our Ontology spec as it seems difficult to ignore it, regarding the major players involved.

We could:

1- Add a mapping in our Ontology (but as these are nomative, this will mean going back to a 3rd Last Call) and delay our spec which is now ready for CR publication.

2- add a mapping in a future Working Note.

3- add a mapping in a future version of Ontology for Media Resources.
Our spec says"The following mappings are established from the Media Ontology's properties to various multimedia metadata formats. This list of formats is not closed, nor does it pretend to be exhaustive. A future version of this specification may include additional mappings if a need or use case is established for these new mappings."

4- have these guys align their schemas to our Media Ontology (let's dream a second ;-)

Currently I have no idea how mature/stable is this media schemas (still a draft or more advanced ?).

After a discussion yesterday with Philippe Le Hegaret during the Interactiuon meeting, I was advised that we should not at this point include a mapping for this schema in our Spec and follow our publication track to CR and beyond. We could adopt point 2 or 3 latter.

This initiative will impact many WGs like RDFa, microformats, HTML, etc...
Therefore W3C will deal with this issue.




Dr. Tobias Bürger

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