Re: Minutes of the MAWG telecon july 18th 2011 and ACTION for editors.

> Dear Thierry,
> I am not an editor on this spec, just a willing contributor.

Right. We are not talking about any spec editing work here, but about our
test cases for our testsuite. We had  asked volunteers a few months ago to
work on Formats example and provide an associated RDF file maping to the
core properties. In order to exit CR we must provide valid files and
fulfill to the directeor request to exit CR. That is our goal.

> spent many hours preparing files for this WG such that there are files
> for formats that this WG cares about or should care about. The last
> time that I sent files through I was told that the files are fine.

Thank you for your time for contributing to the testsuite. The last time I
had said that your files did valiate against the RDF validator (as it says
in the testsuite, it is marked in yellow). This mean they are syntaxly
correct. But that does mean they are complete nor conformant.
Since there was the Transition call the the DIrector. He requested some
exit criteria that we need to fulfill if we want this spec to become a

Therefore, during the MAWG F2F, the WG looked into the details of the files.
And we write guidelines.

Thank you for you cooperation.


Received on Monday, 25 July 2011 16:05:39 UTC