Re: [AGENDA] Media Annotation WG - 2011-07-19

> [B] Ontology example files update

Please refer to my earlier email for the editing guidelines

A large number of RDF files need to be updated.

The deadline for providing final RDF files is 7th of August. Make sure
your files fulfill the guidelines.

> [C] Testsuite status

Please refer to the testsuite page

- RDF files not marked in green must be updated.

I am out of ADSL (My ADSL router is out of service). I will join in the 
telecon but without internet access).


> 4. AOB
> --
> Soohong Daniel Park
> Samsung Electronics, DMC R&D
>, twitter:@natpt

Received on Tuesday, 19 July 2011 06:54:27 UTC