AW: multimedia metadata formats examples satus and update

Hi Felix,

please note that in addition to the specification in the core properties and mapping tables, we formalize a normative RDF representation in

The approach with RDF containers should work for properties modelled as ObjectProperties without restricting the range, but not for the others. A general pattern to express multiple values for the same properties is to repeat the property (there are no restrictions on cardinalities).

Best regards,

Von: [] im Auftrag von Felix Sasaki []
Gesendet: Samstag, 09. Juli 2011 18:04
An: Bailer, Werner
Betreff: Re: multimedia metadata formats examples satus and update

Thank you very much for these explanations, Werner. One further
question about the RDF containers: how should one deal with these? See
e.g. the example of ma:language from
it is mapped to a bag with several values:
_:bnode1228113344 rdf:_1 "en";
        rdf:_2 "de-DE";
        rdf:_3 "de-DE-bayrisch";
        a rdf:Bag.
The data type column at
says "array of RFC 3066 language tags" - so I would not see a conflict
here. Do you agree, and / or could you give me an example of a
conflict and how to resolve it?



2011/7/9, Bailer, Werner <>:
> Dear Felix,
> below are some more remarks on the comments about the XMP document.
> - use of RDF containers: The XMP example makes heavy use of them, but in at
> least some of places they conflict with the data types of the MA ontology.
> - several properties use different names than those defined in the specified
> RDF ontology
> - an instance of a  MediaResource to which the description refers to should
> be defined
> Please make sure to check the guidelines that Thierry sent, the last two
> issues are also mentioned there. Performing the validation described in
> these guidelines should give you more details on these issues.
> Best regards,
> Werner
> ________________________________________
> Von:
> [] im Auftrag von Felix Sasaki
> []
> Gesendet: Freitag, 08. Juli 2011 20:59
> An:
> Cc:
> Betreff: Re: multimedia metadata formats examples satus and update
> Thierry, all,
> I won't make both XMP and flash by the August deadline, due to upcoming
> holidays and other stuff. Any volunteers to take one of theses over?
> Also, could somebody elaborate on the following comments?
> <Wonsuk> (xmp) rdf:alt, rdf:bag and rdf:seq need to be discussed
> <Wonsuk> (xmp) Property names do not follow the RDF scheme of the ontology
> spec.
> <Wonsuk> (xmp) Definition of Media Resource is missing
> Thanks,
> Felix
> 2011/7/8 Thierry MICHEL <<>>
> Dear RDF editors,
> Thank you for your work to provide multimedia metadata formats examples
> associated with RDF files. These are collected in our testsuite [1].
> During our last F2F WG meeting, we have checked these files. Currently
> a large number are either missing information, invalid, missing properties,
> etc.
> Please refer to the minutes of the F2F meeting, were each files has
> been scanned.
> As we must provide valid and complete RDF files to exit CR, we have
> written guidelines in order to achieve this goal.
> Please follow the 3 procedures from the guidelines:
>      1- RDF Example editing and validation
>      2- Examples  validation with the Media Ontology
>      3- Mapping table update
> As described in the guidelines [2].
> The deadline for providing final RDF files is 7th of August. Make sure
> your files fulfill the guidelines.
> All formats not fulfilling the guidelines will have to be removed from
> the ontology spec in order to allow the spec to enter PR.
> We are now very near the end of REC track. This work will be your last
> contribution allowing  to exit CR and enter PR. Your input is really
> critical.
> Best,
> Thierry
> [1]
> .html
> [2]
> s_for_ontology_examples.html
> --
> Prof. Dr. Felix Sasaki
> Senior Researcher / Professor at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
> DFKI GmbH, Alt-Moabit 91c, 10559 Berlin, Germany
> phone: +49-30-23895-1807 (fax: -1810)
> ------------------------------------------------
> Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
> Firmensitz: Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
> Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster
> (Vorsitzender), Dr. Walter Olthoff
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
> Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313
> Register for the W3C MultilingualWeb Workshop!
> Limerick, 21-22 September 2011

Received on Sunday, 10 July 2011 07:57:29 UTC