Re: ACTION-430: Definition of features to be tested

Le 05/07/2011 09:34, Bailer, Werner a écrit :
> Dear all,
> Here is a first draft of the definition of what constitutes a feature of the API to be tested.
> ---
> The following elements are considered features of the API and must be tested by the test suite:
> - construction of MediaResource with one or more metadata sources and querying of the supported modes
> - read access to the list of properties (single properties and sets of properties, applying filters)
> - reading source metadata
> The API is designed for both client- and server side implementations. Depending on whether the API is implemented in a user agent or plugin, or as a web service, different communication patterns are more appropriate. In the client side case, asynchronous access is typically preferred, while synchronous access is more appropriate for a web service. Thus the two version of the interface are not considered distinct features but different modes of implementation for the different use cases.

In the last sentence I would try to maybe avoid the word 
"implementations", that coould trigger an implementation discussion 
about the number of implementatiuons needed (2 or 4)
maybe use  "mode of access" or something like that.

Thus the two version of the interface are not considered distinct 
features but different modes of implementation for the different use cases.

> ---
> Please review and propose changes/extension etc.
> Best regards,
> Werner
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Werner Bailer
>    Audiovisual Media Group
>    DIGITAL - Institute of Information and Communication Technologies
>    JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
>    Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
>    phone:  +43-316-876-1218            personal fax: +43-316-876-91218
>    mobile: +43-699-1876-1218            general fax: +43-316-876-1191
>    web:
>    e-mail:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2011 08:39:07 UTC