AW: Agreed Changes in the 5.1.2 Descriptive properties (Core Set) table for the Type definition column.

One more comment: Given the LC response from PLING, I propose to keep the type of copyright only as string. If you want to point to a well-defined license such as CC, you can use policy. Copyright should be restricted to free text copyright statements.


Von: [] im Auftrag von Evain, Jean-Pierre []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011 22:22
An: 'Thierry Michel'
Betreff: RE: Agreed Changes in the  5.1.2 Descriptive properties (Core Set)       table for the Type definition column.

More detailed review:

Keyword should be marked as [no change]


A tuple identifying the classification @@@ system @@@ (e.g., a parental
guidance issuing agency, or a targeted geographical region) and the value
given in this classification.

Change to:

A tuple identifying the audience being addressed (demographic class, parental guidance group, or geographical region)  and the classification @@@ system @@@ (e.g., a parental guidance issuing agency).

BTW, thanks for taking all these notes.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thierry Michel []
Sent: mardi, 15. février 2011 22:03
To: Evain, Jean-Pierre
Subject: Agreed Changes in the 5.1.2 Descriptive properties (Core Set) table for the Type definition column.

Here are the changes in the Ontology for the 5.1.2 Descriptive properties
(Core Set) table for the Type definition column.

identifier      (attName="identifier", attValue="URI")                                  [NO change]
title     { (attName="title", attValue="String"), (attName="type",
attValue="URI" | "String"")? }          [CHANGED]
language    (attName="language", attValue="URI" | "String") [NO change]
locator           (attName="locator", attValue="URI")                                           [NO change]

contributor     { (attName="contributor", attValue="URI" | "String"),
(attName="role", attValue="URI" | "String")? }  [CHANGED]
creator             { (attName="creator", attValue="URI" | "String"),
(attName="role", attValue="URI" | "String")? }      [CHANGED]
date            { (attName="date", attValue="Date"), (attName="type",
attValue="URI" | "String")? }                   [CHANGED]
location            { (attName="name", attValue="URI" | "String")?,
(attName="longitude", attValue="Double")?, (attName="latitude",
attValue="Double")?, (attName="altitude", attValue="Double")?,
(attName="coordinateSystem", attValue="URI" | "String")? }      [CHANGED]

Content description
description     (attName="description", attValue="String")      [NO change]
keyword             (attName="keyword", attValue="URI" | "String")
genre         (attName="genre", attValue="URI" | "String")      [NO change]
rating      { (attName="value", attValue="Double"),
(attName="ratingSystem", attValue="URI" | "String")?, {(attName="min",
attValue="Double"), (attName="max", attValue="Double")}? }      [CHANGED]

relation        { (attName="target", attValue="URI" | "String"),
(attName="type", attValue="URI" | "String")? }  [CHANGED]
collection      (attName="collection", attValue="URI" | "String") [NO change]

copyright       { (attName="copyright", attValue="URI" | "String"),
(attName="holder", attValue="URI" | "String")? } [CHANGED]
policy      { (attName="statement", attValue="URI" | "String"),
(attName="type", attValue="URI" | "String")? }   [CHANGED]

change the text to ....
A tuple containing a policy statement either human readable as a string or
machine resolvable as a URI, and the type of the policy to provide more
information as to the nature
of the policy. See examples.

publisher             (attName="publisher", attValue="URI" | "String")  [NO
targetAudience  { (attName="audience", attValue="URI" | "String"),
(attName="classificationSystem", attValue="URI" | "String") } [CHANGED]
A tuple identifying the classification @@@ system @@@ (e.g., a parental
guidance issuing agency, or a targeted geographical region) and the value
given in this classification.

fragment              { (attName="identifier", attValue="URI"), (attName="role",
attValue="URI" | "String")? }   [CHANGED]
namedFragment   { (attName="identifier", attValue="URI"), (attName="label",
attValue="String") }            [NO change]

Technical Properties
frameSize       { (attName="width", attValue="Double"), (attName="height",
attValue="Double"), (attValue="unit", attValue="String")? }     [NO change]
compression     (attName="compression", attValue="URI" | "String")      [NO change]
change the text to ....
The compression type used. For container files (e.g., QuickTime, AVI), the
compression is not defined by the format, as a container file can have
several tracks that each use different encodings. In such a case, several
compression instances should be used. Thus, querying the compression
property of the track media fragments will return different values for
each track fragment.
Either or both of two values may be supplied: a free-form string which can
be used for user display or when the naming convention is lost or unknown.
The URI consists of a absolute-URI (RFC 3986, section 4.3) and fragment
(RFC 3986, section 3.5), that is, e.g. in the form absolute-URI#name. The
absolute-URI identifies the naming convention used for the second
parameter, which is a string name from that convention.  A URL is
preferred for the URI, and if it is used, it (a) might contain a date in
the form mmyyyy, indicating that the owner of the domain in the URL agreed
to its use as a label around that date and (b) should be de-referencable,
yielding an informative resource about the naming convention.
Note that this use of URIs with fragments also closely matches RDF (see
Note that for some container files, the format parameter can also carry an
extended MIME type to document this; see [RFC 4281] for one such instance.

duration                                (attName="duration", attValue="Double")                                                 [NO change]
format                                  (attName="format", attValue="URI" | "String")                   [CHANGED]
samplingRate            (attName="samplingRate", attValue="Double")                       [NO change]
frameRate                       (attName="frameRate", attValue="Double")                                                [NO change]
averageBitRate  (attName="averageBitRate", attValue="Double")       [NO
numTracks         { (attName="number", attValue="Integer"), (attName="type",
attValue="String")? } [NO change]

Change the Statement before the table as follows ... in 5.1.1 Description
of the approach followed for the property definitions

The following syntax is used for the type descriptions:

    *   ( ) (parentheses) are used to indicate a attribute/value pair
    *   | (vertical bar) is used to indicate a choice between different
    *   { } (curly brackets) are used to define a complex type, i.e., a
tuple of attribute/value pairs
    *    ? (question mark) is used to indicate an optional element

contributor     { (attName="contributor", attValue="URI" | "String"),
(attName="role", attValue="URI" | "String")? }
is interpreted as a complex type that has two elements.
The first identifies the contributor of a media resource by using a URI or
a string.
The second specifies an optional role, which is defined by a string.
Elements are comma separated, and the collection of elements that makes up
the complex type is enclosed in curly brackets.

Change the compression example to ....
@@@ TBD

Thierry Michel

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 21:43:16 UTC