Re: EBUCore and Eurovision NewsML-G2 in RDF

Hi Jean-Pierre,

On 03/30/2011 01:14 PM, Evain, Jean-Pierre wrote:
> (...) These two ontologies offer maximum compatibility with MA-ONT

very nice :)

> I have done the exercise to define the equivalence between the
> classes and properties, which is really easy in the above
> circumstances.  However, I am facing a dilemma. Should I declare the
> equivalences in a separate 'mapping ontology' pointing to the
> EBUCore, MA-ONT and NML-G2 ontologies as remote resources, or
> 'import' them within their own namespace in one ontology containing
> the equivalence declarations?

not sure what you mean by "pointing to X as a remote resource", nor by
"importint X in its own namespace"...

could you provide a short example of both approach?


Received on Sunday, 3 April 2011 08:13:05 UTC