[mawg] regrets for telecons on 01.06. / 08.06.

Dear all,

I have to send my regrets for this and next week's telecon as I am 
currently at the ESWC conference.

I will send an update on my actions in a seperate mail.

Best regards,


Dr. Tobias Bürger         Knowledge and Media Technologies Group
Salzburg Research                           FON +43.662.2288-415
Forschungsgesellschaft                      FAX +43.662.2288-222
Jakob-Haringer-Straße 5/III   tobias.buerger@salzburgresearch.at
A-5020 Salzburg | AUSTRIA         http://www.salzburgresearch.at

Received on Monday, 31 May 2010 08:54:25 UTC