Re: [AGENDA] Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2010-05-11

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Dear all, I will be late to call in for our meeting, and depending upon KTX and taxis, may not be able to make it at all. My meeting in Seoul today went later than expected. If I cannot call in, please do accept my apologies.

As penance :-) I reiterate that I am ready to work on inserting formal conformance statements into the ontology document (and also possibly the API document if you wish). WonSuk, please let me know when the Ontology document is ready for my editing.

best regards,


Prof. John Strassner, Ph.D.

Head, Autonomic Research

Professor, Division of IT Convergence Engineering

Pohang University of Science and Technology

Pohang, Republic of Korea

--- Original Message ---

From : 
"Joakim S?derberg"<>

To : 

Date : 
2010/05/10 Monday PM 10:10:27

Subject : 
[AGENDA] Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2010-05-11

Dear all, 

Here is the agenda for our call tomorrow: 

1. Convene 

Media Annotations WG 

Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 6294 ("MAWG") 

alternative dial numbers: 

France (Nice): + 

UK (Bristol) : +44.117.370.6152 

IRC channel: #mediaann 

Tuesday 2010-05-11 11:00-12:00 UTC, (ie, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm 13:00 ) 



Chair: Joakim 

Scribe: TBA 

Minutes to appear: 

Propose to accept: 

as minutes of the F2F meeting, thanks to Tobias, Florian and Werner for scribing. 

2. Next meeting 


3. Items 

[a] Action items: 

[b] Status Ontology doc (Wonsuk, Veronique) 

- Need for Javascript for integratino of mapping table? 

- ? 

[b] Status API doc (Florian, Chris) 

Discuss the status codes Martin, Tobias and Florian came up with during the F2F. 

To bes used fot the API Doc 3.1.1 getDiagnosis() 

[c] Test Suite Progress, Status and Way Forward 

The following participants are willing to push the work on the test suit: AFIAK, ETRI (Wonsuk), Ericsson (Joakim), Ghent Univ (Chris), Univ of Applied Science Potsdam (Felix) and Univ of Passau (Florian) are working on it. 

[d] RDFs task force update (Tobias) 

4. AOB? 


Joakim S?derberg, W3C Media Annotations WG 

Received on Tuesday, 11 May 2010 09:59:34 UTC