RE: about my action items

Hi. Veronique.



From: [] On Behalf Of Veronique Malaise
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 6:03 PM
To: Véronique Malaisé;
Subject: Re: about my action items


Concerning the “Action-255: Inclusion of mapping table into ontology document”, Could you prepare some javascript code for inclusion of mapping table in browser rendering time?

What do you think ?


Unfortunately, I have only vague notions of javascript, dating back at least 5 years. I'm afraid I can't do that...

è     OK. Let’s look for a volunteer… 

Last version of ontology doc is [1]. This will be updated by me. So if you update some part, please let me know.

Do you mean that you will update the style of table describing the ontology's properties? It would be nice to give also concrete examples of values for properties that are meant to have a composite value, I still don't get the semantics of these composite values, and an example would help, I think.

è I agree sufficient examples would be great. But firstly I should do my APs for the ontology doc  ;)


Best regards,



Best regards,



[1] mediaont-1.0.xml


Best regards,



From: Véronique Malaisé [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 10:30 PM
To: 이원석
Subject: about my action items


Hi Wonsuk!


How are you doing? I am just checking the list of action items, and I see that I have two: to integrate the mapping table to the ontology document (how am I supposed to do that? Was it not already linked?) and to use some other template for the table 4.1.2... Could you give me the name of the latest version of the document that I should check and modify on the SVN? It looks like I should do the modifications before tomorrow :)







Received on Friday, 7 May 2010 16:25:45 UTC