|RDF-TF] Summary of today's Skype conversation

Hi Everyone!

Find below a summary of what we discussed today about the RDF-isation  
of the MAWG ontology. The mentioned paper can be found at:


A good starting point for thinking of the modeling options for our  
ontology is the SemuDate 2009 paper; the implementation should be as  
simple as possible.

The ontology shall be implemented on two "levels". The first level  
defines the properties defined in the MAWG ontology usings labels and  
comments and gives them a namespace that people can use to describe  
their media resources. The second level defines the terms used in the  
MAWG ontology by grounding them on the existing metadata formats using  
the mappings expressed in the course of the work of the group.

A good option would be to have a systematic representation of our  
properties and mappings in HTML, so that an automatic conversion  
process could be applicable. The questions are: which HTML  
representation should we adopt, and what do we do for the mappings  
towards vocabularies that have no (official) RDF/OWL version? Do we  
ignore them, or represent them in the W3C space?

Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2010 13:18:56 UTC