Re: Update API document

Hi Chris,

2010/3/3 Chris Poppe <>

>  Dear all,
> I have updated the API document according to the remarks of Werner (except
> for the list of possible values remark).
> @Felix,
> I guess the request could look something like this (I have no idea about
> the proper syntax so it’s just to give you an idea):
> Request:

That looks good, thanks.

> Not sure how to denote that these are optional parameters, or what the JSON
> format is to return the list of MAObjects that correspond to the request. I
> am sure you can come up with a good solution.

OK, I will try. One further question: Is it ok to re-use as a respone what
is written in the non-web-service scenario? E.g. for "identifier" it
is [""]
. That would make life (i.e. the creation of the JSON format) quite easy.



Received on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 14:30:52 UTC