RE: [AGENDA] Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2010-07-06

Can't get through. Doesn't take 6294#.

Regrets, jean-pierre

From: [] On Behalf Of Joakim Söderberg
Sent: lundi, 5. juillet 2010 13:43
Subject: [AGENDA] Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2010-07-06

Dear all,
Here is the agenda for our next call.
Please note that it will be the *last* official call before summer break. Try to be join so we can dispatch some action points for the summer :-)

1. Convene
Media Annotations WG
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 6294 ("MAWG")
alternative dial numbers:
France (Nice): +
UK (Bristol) : +44.117.370.6152
IRC channel: #mediaann
Tuesday 2010-07-06 11:00-12:00 UTC, (ie, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm 13:00 )
Chair: Joakim
Scribe: TBA

Minutes to appear:<>
Propose to accept:

2. Next meeting

3. Next F2F
Registration for this event is mandatory. Please fill the registration
form before Aug 20th.

4. Items

[a] Action items:

[b] Extend the LC period until the end of August or not?

[c] Status on LC comments (Thierry)
        LC comment (LC-2393)

[d] Namespace Discussion (Raphael)
        Suggested namespace:<>

[e] RDF Task force update and progress (Tobias)

[f] Test Suite Progress
i) A library to extract test cases for JavaScript libs: (Florian)
ii) We have sample test data for:
MPEG-7 file describing a movie at (Werner)
5 images: &&&&<> (Florian)
audio: (Tobias)
iii) Test suite proposal from Chris:

Joakim Söderberg

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Received on Tuesday, 6 July 2010 11:12:24 UTC