RE: Testsuites importants point wrap-up and post on the mailing list


Here is a follow up from today's meeting, so we can continue the discussion about the test suite.


I) We want to define one test suite that encompasses the Ontology and API, but the tests can be divided in two groups, correspondingly. It is difficult/meaningless to define tests for the ontology without the API!


II) Regarding testing the individual features, we can either:

1)      Create some media files corresponding to the formats in scope, that contain metadata in that format. E.g. a jpg-file, with EXIF elements, an mp3 with ID3 etc. 
BUT then we will have to recommend a library (or other tool) to extract the metadata, since it should not be part of the test.


            2)   Or we produce a text or XML  (1)  file containing the native metadata elements and let it represent the metadata in assumed media file.E.G: <exif:INAM>Eiffel Tower</exif:INAM>

            An implementation reads the file, gets the relevant attribute and returns the correct "ma:" result.




(1) We could perhaps define a small XML schema for hosting the attributes of the attributes in our ontology/mapping table.



I also want to remind from the compilation page on the wiki:


- Test suite should take into scope, how the metadata will be extracted from different sources [1] (e.g. You Tupe clip: has metadata on server, but might also have metadata references on other servers.)  




Received on Tuesday, 26 January 2010 13:42:13 UTC