Re: ACTION-230 Convert the API document to html+script format

2010/4/13 Chris Poppe <>

>  Dear all,
> Here are my comments on the new API document:
> I am missing version information, editors, abstract, status , table of
> contents.
> Is it possible to include internal linking with this system? (links to the
> specific interfaces or methods).
> Some links are not working ([[WEBIDL]], [[!MEDIA-ANNOT-REQS]], … ) in the
> introduction section.
> MediaResource interface offer access to…  should be offer*s *access to.
> For me it is not clear what arguments belong to an operation, (for instance
> the setContext() operation has two arguments: mediaResource and
> metadataSources).
> maybe an appropriate subtitle (arguments) would make this more clear.
> It seems that the return types of the operations are not explained in the
> new version (e.g., the Boolean that is returned by setContext()).
> I am missing some information that glues the different interfaces together.
> In the previous version, this was incorporated in text (e.g. see the last
> paragraph of the beginning of section 2.3 in [1]).
> The examples of the services should be updated as well (Felix?).

Yes, I will work on that, hopefully this week.


> I believe Sylvia also mentioned this, in fact we return objects with
> attributes, while the service examples only return arrays of strings.
> For instance for the identifier property, we give back an object implanting
> the Identifier interface, so it has two attributes  (value and type):
> {value:"ISAN 0000-3BAB-9352-0000-G-0000-0000-Q", type:"ISAN"}
> This should be reflected in the JSON format also.
> Finally, so for making changes we just change the source of the html file?
> [1]
> Kind regards,
> Chris
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *???
> *Sent:* maandag 12 april 2010 12:01
> *To:* Chris Poppe; Florian Stegmaier;
> *Subject:* ACTION-230 Convert the API document to html+script format
> Hi. Co-Editors and All.
> Concerning the ACTION-230, I made the converted draft [1] for API doc. For
> this version you have to use the chrome browser. (so far I don’t know why
> the firefox has some problem. I will check.)
> I made the new file with different name for converted version. Because
> after conformed, I would like to replace the XMLSpec version with this one.
> For this work, I added new directory like a “mediaann/ReSpec.js/” in the
> dev space.
> For using the ReSpec tool, I revised the API doc in overall as below
> - move the 3. Examples of how to use the API section to the 1.1 Usage
> examples section
> - move the 2.1 Design consideration section to 2. Design consideration
> section
> - revise the overall structure of API description section because of the
> description style of the ReSpect tool.
> - add conformance section to the section 4. It’s should be revised.
> - etc.
> Note: the Reference part will be revised later.
> Please review the converted doc. Any comments is more than welcome.
> I hope it’s better than old one for developers ;)
> [1]
> Best regards,
> Wonsuk.

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 10:55:17 UTC