RE: RDFS taskforce telecon -> move to 14.04. 11:30?

Dear Tobias,

I wonder who the some available people are?? ;-)

But I'll be there at 11:30.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of "Tobias Bürger"
Sent: lundi, 12. avril 2010 16:32
To: "ì´ì>ì""
Cc: "Tobias Bürger";
Subject: RE: RDFS taskforce telecon -> move to 14.04. 11:30?

Dear all,

nonetheless I would propose to have the telecon at 11:30 on Wednesday
14.04. because of the availability of some people.

@Wonsuk: we can keep you informed via mail.

Best regards,


> Hi. Tobias and all.
> I think proposed time seems a little bit difficult to me.
> So I am not sure.
> Best regards,
> Wonsuk.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:public-media-
>>] On Behalf Of "Tobias Burger"
>> Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 5:10 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: RDFS taskforce telecon -> move to 14.04. 11:30?
>> Dear all,
>> as some of the core people can not participate in the telecon on 14.04.
>> in
>> the afternoon (16:00 CEST), therefore I would like to propose to move
>> it
>> to 11:30 (CEST)
>> Are people able to make the telecon at 11:30?
>> Pierre Antoine, Jean Pierre, Felix, Joakim, Veronique, others that
>> would
>> like to participate ?
>> Please reply until Monday noon latest to fix the new time.
>> Thank you and best regards!
>> Tobias
>> --
>> _________________________________________________
>> Dr. Tobias Bürger
>> STI Innsbruck
>> University of Innsbruck, Austria

>> __________________________________________________

Dr. Tobias Bürger

STI Innsbruck
University of Innsbruck, Austria

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