Re: ACTION-158: review the API document

2009/10/10 Pierre-Antoine <>

> Dear all,
> I have also reviewed the current draft of the API document. It also lead me
> to re-read the ontology document, on which I also have some comments,
> regarding its relation with the API.
> I think some parts of the Ontology document may belong to the API document:
> the definition of datatypes (Ont:3.1), and the Syntactic Level Mapping
> (Ont:
> I also think, as Raphaël suggested in a recent telecon, that the ontology
> document should specify the range of its property, but at a conceptual
> level. This would require introducing a few concepts such as Agent (for
> creator/contributor), Duration... Links to existing ontologies could be
> given (reusing their term directly?? maybe).
> Then the API document would specify how those types are *represented* for
> the purpose of the API -- which is done by the various interfaces given by
> the document.
> Other remarks:
> - is the NoValue exception really necessary? Doesn't WebIDL have some long
> of 'null' value?
> - I would suggest that attributs returning a list of objects use the plural
> form; e.g. 'creators' instead of 'creator'
> - I suggest that 'contributor' return a list (hence become 'contributors')
> - I suggest that Language is *required* to comply with RFC4646, or this
> will hinder interoperability.

The successor of RFC 4646 has been approved recently, see . The best thing is to refer to BCP 47,
that is the "latest link" version of "language tags" and "matching of
language tags". See

Requiring compliance with BCP 47 is fine, since language tags created under
this RFCs "sequence" (1766, 3066, 4646, RFC 5646) are backward-compatible.
E.g. an RFC 5646 language tag is an 1766 language tag - but not the other
way round.



> - is it ok that the unit for Duration is fixed to 'second'? Can all used
> units be converted exactly to seconds? is a granularity of seconds always
> sufficient for duration?
> - is it ok for the bitrate to be a number? What about Variable Bit Rate? Or
> would we raise NoValue in that case? (might be an option... after all we
> dont seek exhaustiveness)
> - it is not clearly explained what the 'context' of a rating is.
> Typos and minor remarks:
> - in the abstract *and* section 1: "provide developers an convenient" ->
> "provide developers with a convenient"
> - in the abstract "Media Ontology Core Properties" should link to the
> ontology document
> - in the secton about License, the interface of the return value is not
> give,
> - in the section about Compression, the given interface is FrameSize
> I have other remarks, somehow deeper, but that shouldn't prevent us from
> publishing the first draft, I think.
>  pa

Received on Friday, 9 October 2009 17:10:59 UTC