Call for Test Cases

Hello everyone,
As a result of the 5th F2F meeting in Santa Clara we have started to define our test suite requirements ( <> ).
We kindly ask the workgroup participants for some more example test cases!

We came up with some example test cases:
1) getTitle
The API should deal with the situation that
 1) there is no title
 2) there are multiple titles (that all come from different metadata formats)
 3) multiple types of title (such as Album title, Song title)

2) Make sure that the API can get additional metadata that are referred to in the embedded metadata
ex. An XMP description referring to another metadata document ( a license etc.)

3) For the Ontology
Take two metadata resources that represent the same thing and make sure that the API return the same values.
4) Write something in the wrong way, fake a metadata format that is not valid with a metadata specification and see what the API should do with it, return in anyway, or not return it at all.
5) Combination example
Get the value of the title and then filter
Asking for a generic property like title, then filter the result to get just the album title, 
and second directly ask for Album title and compare the results.

See more at: <> 

Joakim Söderberg

Received on Friday, 6 November 2009 23:06:12 UTC