Some thoughts on use cases

Dear all,

I've had a look at the list of proposed use cases in the issue tracker
and here are some thoughts:

- "Video on IPTV" [issue 6065]: I'm not sure what the specifics of video
on IPTV are, and why this might be different from a metadata perspective
than delivering video + metadata by other means

- "Covering variations across locales" [issue 6066] is rather a
requirement than a use case on its own

- "Multi media and semantic web technologies" [issue 6069]: I think that
came out of Tobias' introductory mail and describes quite well what this
group is supposed to be dealing with, but I think it is too unspecific
to be a use case

- "Metadata to help promoting safe environments" [issue 6068] could this
be a specific aspect of an adaptation use case?

- "Audiovisual archive as a Cultural Heritage institution" [issue 6067]:
this is a very interesting and rich use case, that includes search
[6083], maybe adaptation [6084] and very likely metadata
interoperability issues (related to [6080], but going beyond tagging)

- I believe the "semantic media analysis" [issue 6081] use case of the
MMSem XG comes from analysis for retrieval and is thus related to [6083]

- "algorithm representation" [issue 6082]: I think that this the one of
the MMSem XG use cases that goes beyond our scope

- "multimedia adaptation" [issue 6084]: in their mail Erik and Davy
mentioned "region of interest selection" under this heading, which I
consider an interesting aspect (one could maybe label it summarisation
or highlight extraction). This could be related to the representation of
search results (e.g. summaries showing aspects of videos relevant to the
query) and to the exploration of audiovisual archives.

Best regards,

  Werner Bailer
  Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
  JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
  Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
  phone:  +43-316-876-1218               mobile: +43-699-1876-1218
  web:            fax: +43-316-876-1191      


Received on Friday, 19 September 2008 16:34:56 UTC