Introducing ourselves (IBBT-MMLab: Davy Van Deursen & Erik Mannens)

Dear all,



as we agreed within the first phone conf, here are our introductions:


.          Info about both our Institute and Lab can be found at [1] and [2]

.          Davy Van Deursen is finalizing his PhD-thesis at Ghent University
- IBBT and is a member of the Multimedia Lab since 2005. His main research
interests are multimedia adaptation and delivery in a generic way (i.e.,
independent of the underlying coding formats). The role of metadata is
therefore a very interesting topic in this context.

.          Erik Mannens received his Master's degree in engineering (1992)
at KAHO Ghent and his Master's degree in computer science (1995) at K.U.
Leuven University. Before joining IBBT-MMLab in 2005 as project manager, he
was a software engineering consultant and Java architect for over a decade.
His major expertise is centered on broadcasting, iDTV and web development.
Erik Mannens is involved in several projects as senior researcher and he
actively participated in W3C's semantic web standardization activities
within the MMSEM XG.



Sincere greetings,


Erik Mannens


Project Manager


Gaston Crommenlaan 8 bus 201

B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent, Belgium


T: +32 9 331 49 93

F: +32 9 331 48 96

M: +32 473 27 44 17






Received on Monday, 15 September 2008 15:55:06 UTC